The doctors appointment went well!! I didn't get to see that + on my chart but I have gained back everything I lost in the first trimester so starting in 2 weeks I will start seeing that + sign next to the number I've gained for that visit. This may seem so silly but I have had SO many people give me a hard time and question my weight gain throughout this pregnancy I am excited to finally see that. However, my doctor assures me she isn't concerned with my progress as everything is right on track.
She does feel the baby is still in the breech position. I feel this as well due to where I am feeling most of her movements. We will still have the ultrasound in 2 weeks to determine exactly whether she is or not. We discussed what would happen should she not turn. There are a few different scenarios and we discussed the pros and cons of each. As of right now we will see what happens. I am completely at peace with everything we discussed and I 100% trust my doctor and know she will do what is best for me and the baby!
Based off the last ultrasound she feels that we are looking at around a 7lb baby maybe a little smaller or bigger. She said she can't really see my body handling much more than a 7 1/2 lb baby but she isn't worried because she doesn't anticipate our little one getting that big.
Our house is slowly starting to fill up with baby things and we are slowly getting them organized. Hopefully Steven gets good news at the doctor today and he will start painting the nursery this weekend!!
We are also CLOSER to having a name for our sweet little angel. Once we have a final decision I will definitely share with everyone!
Another boring post with no pictures! I promise I will post something exciting soon!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
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