Last Friday Ellie's school had a field trip to the fire station here in town! Since she is just in the three year old class all parents were required to attend with their child! To say we had fun would be an understatement! She loved climbing in the trucks, ringing the bell on the front and listen to them talk about their gear and how they wear it! Thankfully it was cool this morning so we didn't roast in the heat!
This fake cheese face is the look I'm getting these days when I try to take her pic! She was STARVING when we left the fire station....apparently so much so that she needed to eat the grapes at the grocery store! She took the best nap that afternoon....I mean just look at that hair and ornery face must be the sign of a good nap!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago